"The Gentle Handoff" - How to Write Advertorials That Sell


Advertorials are in demand right now for any business trying to scale an offer on networks like Google Ads.

In fact, they’re one of the quickest, easiest, and most reliable ways to get your start as a copywriter—especially if you already know how to write emails that sell.

You could easily command for an afternoon’s worth of work with this new “money skill” under your belt.

(NOTE: This masterclass is also available on our Patreon.)

"Yes! I Want This!"

“Give Me 30 Minutes and I’ll Show You How to Write Advertorials That Turn Your Coldest Prospects into New Customers”

David Ogilvy discovered something weird about marketing to the masses. 

He found that “the less an advertisement looks like an advertisement, and the more it looks like an editorial, the more readers stop, look, and read.”

By giving away 99% of his content for free and only selling the 1%... 

People were likely to BUY MORE

So he invented what we know as the “Advertorial.” A combination of advertisement and editorial.

Advertorials are the kind of ads that look like a real news story. 

They help businesses find and acquire new customers.

By “disguising” your advertising message as a piece of content, you can easily bypass your readers’ resistance to “being sold to” and get more eyeballs on your sales message. 

Legendary financial publishers, Porter Stansberry and Brian Hunt made the same discovery years later. 

They found by giving away their best ideas for free, they could make $50,000 - $200,000 by writing advertorials that linked to sales pages.

That is how powerful this subtle form of advertising can be.

In this masterclass, I reveal a modern and contemporary approach for writing advertorials that sell regardless of the niche, but especially well in financial and health today. 

The class also includes my 6 powerful attention-getting templates, which you can swipe to help you write your own eye-grabbing advertorials. 

As a copywriter, your job isn’t only to write sales pages but often also the pieces that drive traffic to that sales letter. 

Advertorials are probably the most effective ways to get the attention of your coldest and most skeptical readers, warming them up so that you can convert them into buyers. 

The best marketers and financial publishers in the world know just how powerful advertorials can be for adding a stream of new buyers to their business. 

And they are willing to pay BIG BUCKS to copywriters who can write advertorials that sell. 

In the next 30 minutes, I want YOU to have that skillset in your toolbox. 

In this masterclass you will discover: 

  • [6:36] Little-known secrets that the CEO of a multi-million-dollar direct response business revealed to his internal staff about coming up with hooks and ideas for advertorials. 

  • [11:11 ] The lucrative “pre-suasion” trick primes your readers into a buying state BEFORE they even see your sales page. 

  • [11:35] Want to write the next “End of America”? This might surprise you but the greatest front-end promotion of all time was created this way. Now, it is so simple even Junior Copywriters can steal this idea to find their next BIG IDEA. 

  • [13:54] The 0-second, “copy & paste” technique for writing an advertorial that raked in $13,500 in the first few hours. 

  • [14:30] WARNING: If you are swiping old-school advertorials, your clients are going to HATE your copy. In this video, I reveal the “new rules” for advertorials. 

  • [15:11] The single most important formula you can have in your back pocket for writing advertorials. Top financial copywriters are using this right now. Watch as I break one down, step by step. 

  • [17:17] The weird “OMG” advertorial that will shock your audience into reading every word of your copy. 

  • [18:16] The simple “Holy Crap Did You Hear This” approach for casually capturing your readers' attention without appearing salesy. 

  • [20:00] Are you struggling to come up with good CTAs for your short-form copy? This video shows you the ONE simple CTA you can swipe without a second thought for all your short-form copy. (Advertorials included)
    [20:15] The sneaky way to stack “benefits upon benefits” in your advertorials and get your readers' greed glands pumping. 

  • [21:28] The quickest and easiest way to get MORE clicks to your VSL. The “1000 word” opener will create an irresistible itch to click through to your promo. 

  • [22:39] Transitions are the holy grail of high-level copywriting. Swipe this CTA transition and use it to smoothly take your reader to your call to action. 

  • [22:57] An easy way to overcome your readers skepticism. The “Gooroo” opener will build instant rapport and establish your credibility with the reader. 

  • [24:14] The sneaky way to ethically steal all the limelight from “big name” authorities and associate it to your guru. 

If you want to add another high-income skill to your marketing toolbox… 

One that is even BETTER than email for attracting new customers…

And one that scaling businesses are “begging” for right now… 

Then advertorial copywriting is the perfect skill to add to your copywriting and marketing arsenal.

Instructor: Sean MacIntyre

Class Length: 30 minutes

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